Its quite strange how non muslims find pornography liberating or that it is ok for women to be treated as sex slaves, that it is ok to blaspheme in the name of freedom of speech, to have same sex relations, have sex outside wedlock, to poison their bodies using all manner of intoxicants and narcotics, to lie and call it a 'white lie' to santitize it, etc etc...I could go on but then you'd complain that my post is too long!
The point being that if Man is incapable of laying down a system to govern society correctly because Man is weak and limited and incapable of developing systems that truly lead to societies tranquillity and harmony. Only the Creator of Man, Life and Universe can do this and hence we were given Islam as the final message from God to mankind.

Previous revelations to Man were limited to a time and place whereas Islam is completely perfect and comprehensive and is valid for all times and places irrespective of the changing nature of technology because Man has not changed and is the same from the first man to the last i.e He has the same needs and requirements. Thus man, eats, sleeps, drinks, interacts with others, worships, needs shelter, warmth etc. The only things that have changed are the means man uses i.e. things such as technology that has changed but nothing else.


It is quite clear your understanding of Islam is very limited and at best very distorted. I suggest you leave the explanation to those who have some knowledge lest you continue to undermine yourself.
I find that those converts to Islam, who not been cultured correctly often continue to hold the dodgy concepts they lived with as non-muslims thus they end up mixing truth with falsehood without a bat of an eye lid.


I have the answer to your question but it requires a lot of elaboration but in very summarised version here follows:

Thoughts are the key to change. We wish to change the prevailing unIslamic thoughts in the muslim world to Islamic thoughts which Islam has come with. Muslims need to view the world and life in the manner Islam determined. Muslims need to conduct all of their actions in accordance to the Sharia. Thus Good and Bad or Right and Wrong are determined by Sharia not by me or anyone else. Furthermore Muslims need to be aware of the manner in which Islam is implemented, protected and carried to the world.
Islam is an ideology and therefore it has all the systems required to look after humanities needs in the correct manner. Islam is therefore an alternative to Capitalism/Democracy and Communism. Islam is unique because it is both a spiritual and political belief.
To bring change to the thinking in the muslim world requires interaction with it (discussion and debate). We effectively smelt the muslim world with the Islamic thoughts so that the inpurities that cling to her are removed just like iron ore is smelted to produce steel.

This work is intellectual and political since in Islam politics means to look after the affairs of the people and it is intellectual because it is a battle of ideas.

If one was to read the life of the Messenger (saw) one would find that he struggled in the same manner in Mecca (i.e he challenged the thoughts and practices prevalent in the society until Islam became accepted in Medina as the system to govern the people). After the Messenger migrated to Medina, 13th year of his Messengership, did God reveal the laws related to do with transactions i.e. economic, ruling, tax, education, penal code, foreign policy, war policy etc.

Therefore once the masses acquire the awareness for Islam, then they will move naturally to demand its complete implementation even if that means enduring hardship and suffering.