first of All Mabrook for your Marriage And may Allah bless your Mom.

for your Visa Mum, Papers and conditions have to complete + the person which he talk to the immigration has to be professional and knows how to explain to him.
preferd personally you go and apply again , explaining your emand.

also you try airport immigration tourist visa Qatar Airways.

I hope you can get it done for you, and always remeber that we are all employees and sometimes we have pressure at our work, so we have to give execuses and understand that nothing is personal we are all professionals. the same you go to him after pressure time you'll find him smiling for you .

and allow me to say many thanks to the government departemtns they are really doing excellent job .. for example 5-8 minutes you can get your R.P renewed at any immigration counter . in 1 day work visa is issued.
really I salut them.and you are welcome and my regards to your Mumm and 1000Mabrook for your marriage..