Thanks for your support PM. Yes the "exotic" is compelling, but i guess its his "exotic" value system that I didn't allow for..and have trouble getting my head around..unscrupulous...he asked me to buy him a car (in my name of course!), he liked & wanted my phone, he asked for 1500 and now i am aghast that, after a few months, a man whom i thought was my friend is now fully hassling me for 5,000 riyalls, and i'm still not sure for what - and i guess the proof of his sincerity is that his interest has waned proportionally to my refusals to give money....

now he actually told me about a qatari woman he knows "who needs sex" who he was "jokingly" going to follow up, maybe she would give him the money.... and he told me about his friends who come here, don't work "just have sex".. i couldn't get more information on that one..

i am very interested to hear from other women who have had similar experiences as i have heard chinese whispers but nothing concrete