Money Hungry Men

By ClaireBear

I have heard stories of men here laying it on thick to lonely western women and then conning money with a sad hard-luck story and basically taking advantage of them financially. I have just encountered such a situation, dating someone for some months, being lulled into false sense of security, (thinking it was real!!) until the lies and requests for money became so transparent. Fortunately all he cost me was a few phone calls and my pride.
i was wondering if other women had similar experiences and how widespread this practice is??

By knoxcollege• 3 Aug 2007 15:09

it is not just women only some men also stalk young boys in Qatar. You havent been to Saudi Arabia. The situation there is even worse

By anonymous• 3 Aug 2007 13:52

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery

None but ourselves can free our minds..

By Gypsy• 2 Aug 2007 09:36

Knoxcollege, Apples dislike of going out by herself has nothing to do with her perceiving herself as weak, and everything to do with the attitude towards women in this country. I for one was not raised to believe I am weak and have traveled to many different countries alone, much less gone to the grocery store, but in Doha I don't like to go to the malls alone (I do, but I hate it)because I don't trust the men to keep their distance.

"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco

By knoxcollege• 2 Aug 2007 01:41

who is to be blamed in case of injustice?

The State or the God.

The state also promises justice and God also promises justice

me is off from this thread, have had this discussion many times with no result

By KellysHeroes• 2 Aug 2007 01:36

don't worry. these are only names. sure always peace. was never angry and will never be :)

By knoxcollege• 2 Aug 2007 01:36

why is a woman forced to sell he body...coz someway someone along the way deprived her of her right. The state failed in providing her with justice

By Apple• 2 Aug 2007 01:31

my apologies, LoL!

I mispelled your name in my first post? kellyhorse...i meant kellyheroes!

Peace buddy!

By knoxcollege• 2 Aug 2007 01:31

I am not an expert on religious matter although I have seen many religions firsthand and have read some books.

"God doesnt want people to suffer. It is the people who want other people suffer"

By knoxcollege• 2 Aug 2007 01:27

All religions are evolving, just the way a company changes rules with time, incorporates more clauses or makes amendments in the previous ones. And the people/companies who do not listen to the voice of the moment die away

I can see where is this heading to just like all other previous discussions

By Apple• 2 Aug 2007 01:18

No way! me??? weak??? never!

Maybe its the soceity, but i dont have any bad experience i encount w/ the locals, believe me its mostly our fellow expats.

By KellysHeroes• 2 Aug 2007 01:13
Rating: 5/5

when you work for a company then you should abide by the rules and regulations. if not then you will be punished according to the books.

when you believe in a religion then you should abide by the books whether the book is Quran or Bible.

so it is not a matter of following what the priest or mulla says, it is what is written in the books. you cannot be selctive and apply what you like (same thing like when you work for a company) you abide by all and you cannot be selective

By knoxcollege• 2 Aug 2007 01:08

you dont go out because the filipinas have a bad reputation, it is because you are afraid of the people and of the society. You dont have the power to face people. you think you are weak and all these years you have told that you are weak

The people who call filipinas bad who are they? saints? angels?

I have never cared what people say and I never believe what people say unless I see it myself.

Do you think all filipinas are bad? There are bad people in every nationa

I think we have left the original topic far behind........

By anonymous• 2 Aug 2007 01:07

Don't let the big and strong hairy wolf, stop you from doing what you want to do Apple.

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery

None but ourselves can free our minds..

By Apple• 2 Aug 2007 01:00

I heard that from my husband! he always told me, why i dont want to go out alone and do the shopping/groceries, will anyone eat me? LoL!

I think, alot of reasons is there.

And its not about my religion, believe me, its because i'm a Filipina, and i'm aware that we have a bad reputations here.

By knoxcollege• 2 Aug 2007 00:59

and our God understands, this is what I was trying to tell.

We dont need pope, priests or mullah to dictate us

No offence Red_Pope

By Apple• 2 Aug 2007 00:53

and the sheriff's name is Red_pope, hee heee heee

By Apple• 2 Aug 2007 00:51

I shake hands with my father inlaw, my brother inlaws coz for me they're already my family, my father, my brother. I think our God understand me and sees my real intention. It depends on our intention, right?

By knoxcollege• 2 Aug 2007 00:48

why is it that a woman needs a man to go outside. Why is she dependent on a man. Why cant she go outside alone?

Will anyone eat her if she goes outside alone? Whill she be raped? Will be abducted. the problem is that woman considers herself weak that why everyone takes advtange of her and for centuries the woman has been oppressed

By anonymous• 2 Aug 2007 00:46

Who killed the sheriff???

The money Hungry Woman!

Her name is Apple......

lol j/k

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery

None but ourselves can free our minds..

By knoxcollege• 2 Aug 2007 00:44

I am not asking women to shake hands with every guy. I said that i used to shake hands with my class mates. The religion tells us not to shake hands with father in laws, brother in laws and many others and even opposite sex cousins cannot shake hands with other

By Apple• 2 Aug 2007 00:42

I wonder who start hijacking this thread?

maybe Red_Pope? :D

By knoxcollege• 2 Aug 2007 00:41
Rating: 4/5

Religion be a part of life or should your life be same as the religion


we are already all equal in the eyes of God. it is the people like the priests and the mullahs who call someone infidel and other religious. who are the mullahs and the priests to decide who is dearer to God .it is between man and God. Man doesnt need a link to connect to God. God is not weak that he needs mullah and priests.

By Apple• 2 Aug 2007 00:39
Rating: 2/5

I am not a very religious & conservative woman, but i personally dont like to shake hand with man that i just meet espcly not my relative. I also dont want to get down from my car to buy anything from the small supermarket if there's alot of male customers inside. You will also never find me in the malls or anywhere shopping alone. Nothing to do with my religion, especially my culture (being a Filipina) but its just my personal choice. I dont know! but i dont feel comfortable with it.

By knoxcollege• 2 Aug 2007 00:35

the thread has been hijacked

By anonymous• 2 Aug 2007 00:33

One day we will be equal.

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery

None but ourselves can free our minds..

By knoxcollege• 2 Aug 2007 00:32

your are the one who is having feelings and temptations and the devil gets blamed

its a nice way of shifting blames and for every sin blame the devil. Dont you have something called brain to decide what is right and what is wrong?

or maybe your brain is the devil's workshop

By knoxcollege• 2 Aug 2007 00:29

I believe that we should not be dictated by the priests and the Mullahs. as history has proven that whenever the priests and the Mullahs had been given power, it has always resulted in war and destruction. These are the people because of whom the moderates have left the religion and it has been taken by extremists

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely

By KellysHeroes• 2 Aug 2007 00:28

Thats true according to Islam

By Apple• 2 Aug 2007 00:25

A man & woman alone in a room have someone w/ them. The devil! who cause them temptations, that's what i learnt in Islam.

Am i right kellyhorse?

By knoxcollege• 2 Aug 2007 00:25

if I hadnt done group study with my friend and if she hadnt helped me. What the hell was i suppose to do, fail all my courses?

We spent lot of times together even slept in the same room but on separate beds though nothing happened.

By anonymous• 2 Aug 2007 00:23

Interesting Knoxcollege! Religion is just a personal choice... One way of calling god just the practices keep varying...Love crosses all frontiers.....

But if one doesnt have faith then he ends up aimless without any focus and an irresponsible life is the easiest way out to heed shouldering any responsibilities of family life......

By KellysHeroes• 2 Aug 2007 00:17

not shaking hands is not a forcing thing

not staying in the same room is not a forcing thing

not looking at women is not a forcing thing

By knoxcollege• 2 Aug 2007 00:15

Although as per the teachings of islam it is strictly prohibited to shake hands with unknown women and to be alone with them in a private place.

By knoxcollege• 2 Aug 2007 00:11

If I believe in a religion and have faith in it. it is between me and the God. The religion is everyone's personal choice and there should not be anyone forcing you what to do.

By anonymous• 2 Aug 2007 00:06

yEAH Whatever....The so called clash creates all the confusion.....

By KellysHeroes• 2 Aug 2007 00:05
Rating: 2/5

If you want answer to your questions then ask God or ask prophet Mohammad and they will answer you.

Don't mix up between the rules/foundations of a religion and the practices. They are two different issues.

By KellysHeroes• 1 Aug 2007 23:59

There is no clash and there are no gaps. The so called clash of cultures which is an illusion is actually clash of interests.

By knoxcollege• 1 Aug 2007 23:58

How can you say that a disciplined muslim does not shake hand with women. Whats the big deal if you shake hands with a foreign woman or if you give her a farewell hug. I have shook hands hugged some of my friends. I have also been in rooms alone with girls but I have never had sex. (call me a 25 year old virgin). It depends upon yourself how you want to be perceived as, how you want others to think about you, how you want people to remember you.

It also depends how you think of female gender, as a source of sexual gratificaton or human beings like you.

I still believe that the percentage of money hungry women is much higher than men

By anonymous• 1 Aug 2007 23:50

This is the plight the world is facing my friends..... Clash of cultures..... West V.s East

Someone has to bridge the gaps....

By KellysHeroes• 1 Aug 2007 23:21
Rating: 2/5

Hope you are not angry or upset coz of my previous comment. My problem is that am straight forward and mention the right and the wrong without applying makeup.

What I want to tell is that you need not feel guilty coz u have corrupted or spoiled him.

Am a Muslim and would like to tell you that most Muslim boys fall in love or have an affair before marriage. Those who don't are either very conservative and and disciplined Mslims or those who did not get the chance. To give you a clue: disciplined Muslim does not shake hands with foreign (not direct relative) female, does not stay with any female alone in a private place, even he does not look straight at you or any part of you even if he is talking to you. Am very confident about what am stating here. Mind you am not from that category. Our life style (liberal Muslims) is more or less like your life style.

Having him talk about marriage at the beginning is a cheap technique used to get closer to you the quick way (a shortcut).


By ClaireBear• 1 Aug 2007 18:59

Maxximo He is a Sales Rep who i dealt with at work a few times, then he asked me for coffee and it went from there. Ok yes he is twenty years younger than me. He is strikingly handsome, everybody who met him said so, classic tall dark and handsome man. I knew it wouldn't go anywhere because of the age difference, so just wanted to enjoy the moment, but like a fool, didn't expect an eventual financial ulterior motive...ouch.

I'm interested in greenthings point about perceptions of the west. He is a muslim. initially i think he got confused about being with a liberated western woman, for example..he was initially talking about "marriage" !! and i couldn't fathom why!! until i learned many muslim people don't do boyfriend/girlfriend...maybe initially i was unknowingly corrupting him or misleading him..

I wonder what this muslim man thinks of this western women who has a boyfriend and doesn't get married.?? who hangs out with male friends who are not my relatives, who drinks alcohol...i didn't appreciate his different values to mine...from his point of view i don't deserve respect?..

yes i have much to learn about the cultural divide


By maxximo• 1 Aug 2007 17:49

I don’t mean to offend you in any manner but, is this Syrian guy you’re age level? where did you met him? Just asking….

[img_assist|nid=27705|title=|desc=rock on!|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]

By Gypsy• 1 Aug 2007 17:10
Rating: 5/5

Clairebear I know of a couple of women in similar positions, but from the looks of it they know full well what the men want and are simply enjoying having a handsome, much younger, man on their arm. It's common (not as common as men with much younger women)and some women like it and other's don't. Luckily you were smart enough to catch on and realize that it wasn't something you wanted.

"I fight with love and I laugh with rage, you have to live light enough to see the humor and long enough to see some change." Ani Difranco

By greenthing• 1 Aug 2007 13:21

Now with the internet and satalite TV we are exposed to all sorts of ideas and views that can get confusing if you don't know the truth.

Example: A movie from the west, lasts about 1 1/2 hours. If your english isn't that great you watch it and see a man meet a woman, they don't marry but by the end of the film they are in bed together. What kind of conclusion are you gonna draw from that?

Also coz we're white we must have loads of money.

Over my time in the middle east I have known western women who have met and married men of eastern & asian nationality. A few have worked out OK but most, either the deception or the cultural differences find their way to the front and it ends in tears.

Here, because expats are in an alien environment it's easy to get caught out and to mislead others.

The most trouble I have encountered is actually from western men who are happy to start a relationship, then once you're hooked tell you that they are married.....this kind are very hard to get rid of.

Little is as it seems here, you have to be doubly careful with your heart, soul & your money.

By ClaireBear• 1 Aug 2007 00:34

Thanks to all for the feedback on my experience and for the moral support. The great thing about this form of dialogue is the stories take legs and run into a life of their own.

So I feel compelled to clarify that i did not intend to make any generalisations about "all men" or "all syrians". I hope my message was to describe my experience and to hear if any other women had similar experiences in Doha.

I concede that many relationships have a financial element to them. However in this case, in retrospect, i believe there was blatant deception and manipulation over a period of four months with deliberate intention basically to defraud.

It was clever and compelling and at the end, scarey!!

I acknowledge that this occurs to men as well as women and in many relationships there are varying degrees of financial power inequalities and pay offs.

But i am specifically interested in Western/Professional/Wealthy women being targeted by "wannabee gigolos" in Doha. I have heard chinese whispers as if it's a common occurence but interested in harder evidence. How widespread is this? What stories have you heard?


By amnesia• 31 Jul 2007 03:10
Rating: 4/5

This situation happens alot with Syrian, Palestinian, Egyptian and Saudi men. I've heard stories of this too and it's heart breaking to hear.

I just want to say that please don't generalize.

I was with a Japanese girl who I loved with all my heart. Thinking that everything was real until three years passed and she just vanished. After having felt used, I didn't blame all women or all Japanese people.

There are good guys out there :)


I Love Qatar -

By azilana7037• 29 Jul 2007 00:20
Rating: 4/5

I too once met a guy of same nationality and I was so impressed with his intelligence and confidence. We didn't go into that "steady" relationship but I find him taking advantage of my friendship and kindness.

Good thing that my boyfriend (Palestinian) then at that time explained to me how it is...

Try to be wary of men around seldom find sincere guys nowadays....

By KellysHeroes• 28 Jul 2007 23:22
Rating: 5/5

It is amazing that you are able to manage a company and cannot manage your date.

Sometimes the truth hurts. And you find stories like yours everywhere and every day. This applies to both genders.

There is always a h0rny middle-aged man and a desperate house wife or whatever you want to call it or describe the situation.

In principle, every middle-aged person or senior person who is kind and nice and has some good balance/surplus in the bank is the center of gravity for gready men and women.

You are brave enough to tell your story here. Simply kick his bumper and slam the door.

And my advise do not look back. Learn from the lesson and look forward for a better future and a good relation, Life will continue.


By anonymous• 28 Jul 2007 22:41
Rating: 5/5

Well, while extending all my sympathy to ClaireBear, I condemn this nasty, cunning hungry people around us. Same time, I wish to enlighten that this type of parasites exist irrespective of genders, nationality, language or creed. So, please do not discriminate or finger out men exclusively...there r loads of women too..involved into such practices.

As proverb goes love is blind, when dating / love everything look to be green n glittery. People hardly can judge what is right or wrong..simply feel or enjoy the lovely moments until last hour, minute...before bounced out finally or shocked by such nuisances.

It is good that one should be careful and behave wise while choosing partner especially dating period.

By ClaireBear• 28 Jul 2007 22:35

Thanks for your support PM. Yes the "exotic" is compelling, but i guess its his "exotic" value system that I didn't allow for..and have trouble getting my head around..unscrupulous...he asked me to buy him a car (in my name of course!), he liked & wanted my phone, he asked for 1500 and now i am aghast that, after a few months, a man whom i thought was my friend is now fully hassling me for 5,000 riyalls, and i'm still not sure for what - and i guess the proof of his sincerity is that his interest has waned proportionally to my refusals to give money....

now he actually told me about a qatari woman he knows "who needs sex" who he was "jokingly" going to follow up, maybe she would give him the money.... and he told me about his friends who come here, don't work "just have sex".. i couldn't get more information on that one..

i am very interested to hear from other women who have had similar experiences as i have heard chinese whispers but nothing concrete


By knoxcollege• 28 Jul 2007 22:32
Rating: 5/5

What about women who wanna hang out with rich guys and those who marry rich people e.g. Anna Nicole Smith and many more strippers

There are more examples of women falling for rich guys than for men doing the same.

isn't it that women also look for guys who are rich, high status. I know one female who married a doctor just because she will have enough money for all her luxuries and she will be called the wife of a doctor.

The irony is that women look for rich and financially established guys whereas guy just look for miss worlds and they dont know what lies under the thick layer of makeup.

By ClaireBear• 28 Jul 2007 21:44

Sorry to burst your bubble mir83, but, unless you too are a money hungry man, nothing about this dialogue is about.. YOU


By anonymous• 28 Jul 2007 21:31

You will find an individual like me one day... Nothing is false about it....

By ClaireBear• 28 Jul 2007 20:09

His nationality was Syrian.. ..


By anonymous• 28 Jul 2007 19:59
Rating: 4/5

Just curious.

By owen• 28 Jul 2007 19:57
Rating: 4/5

that's sad thing to hear..and very lame and low for these kind of guys...fortunately and hopefully, errrr this situation doesn't happen to me...

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