In every old Government organization it is the same. the bureaucracy, the red tape and the damn clerks take ages to send the files. I worked for some time as a summer replacement (three months) at a Government Department and there was this old ***** lady working. She made me life really miserable. In short I got my three months pay, four months after leaving the organization after I had lost all hope. These ladies just gossip all day, drink tea and talk on the cellphone and wear perfurmes that you can smell one mile away.
Even on the cornice you can smell the perfume miles away.
Who the hell puts on perfume when you are going for a walk or going for jogging?
In every old Government organization it is the same. the bureaucracy, the red tape and the damn clerks take ages to send the files. I worked for some time as a summer replacement (three months) at a Government Department and there was this old ***** lady working. She made me life really miserable. In short I got my three months pay, four months after leaving the organization after I had lost all hope. These ladies just gossip all day, drink tea and talk on the cellphone and wear perfurmes that you can smell one mile away.
Even on the cornice you can smell the perfume miles away.
Who the hell puts on perfume when you are going for a walk or going for jogging?