There is no 4:3 format of Plasma available in the market today. 16:9 is the latest format that is ready for a digital TV. I would suggest using a 16:9 coz most of the movies now a days are 16:9 formats and you have the option to change into 4:3 TV viewing. The black borders are normal for a standard video format but if you want to be exact on the figures like making the circle to be perfect rather than appeared oval. you can use a devise to process this set up. And it would cost you like a QR 3T. Good luck and enjoy watching.
There is no 4:3 format of Plasma available in the market today. 16:9 is the latest format that is ready for a digital TV. I would suggest using a 16:9 coz most of the movies now a days are 16:9 formats and you have the option to change into 4:3 TV viewing. The black borders are normal for a standard video format but if you want to be exact on the figures like making the circle to be perfect rather than appeared oval. you can use a devise to process this set up. And it would cost you like a QR 3T. Good luck and enjoy watching.