if you can pay up ... i suggest you pay up. If you take your landlord to court and loose you have to move out and strictly speaking i dont think you can find a flat for QR 5000 at the presents rate.
Other scenario ... you might win (which is very slim chance) and stay in your flat and your landlord still can kick you out with the excuse he want to use the flat unit for his personal use (being occupy by his relatives or family)
if you can pay up ... i suggest you pay up. If you take your landlord to court and loose you have to move out and strictly speaking i dont think you can find a flat for QR 5000 at the presents rate.
Other scenario ... you might win (which is very slim chance) and stay in your flat and your landlord still can kick you out with the excuse he want to use the flat unit for his personal use (being occupy by his relatives or family)