My flat rent increased more than 10% - What should I do?

My flat contract was due on December 2006, and the landlord is asking the new contract rate with more than 10% increased.The last year contract I had to pay QR 3200/month and now they are asking QR 5000/month.
I try to negotiate , but it seems they don't want to negotiate & they haven't renewed the contract until now since I disagree with the new contract rate. They keep it on pending and It's been 7 months now.
I heard that there's a particular court for this pasticular case.
But I don't know how it works.
Should I go ahead to this court or should I get a lawyer first?
Can anybody tell me where's this court located ? Or any good lawyer that I can refer to?
Some say I just go to the police & report it.
Please advise.
Appriciate your help..
dont pay more than 10%,ask him for the renewal of the contract if he doesnt agree tell you will go to court ,he cant quit you untill he proof to stay himself, if he proof also he cant give the same house for rent other,
The 10% rent is for UNFURNISHED FLATS. The Landowners have circumvented this on SEMI FURNISHED and FULLY FURNISHED FLATS that allow them to increase more than 10% since it was mentioned in the law that only unfurnished flats are allowed the 10% maximum increase.
Click on this link if it helps. Maybe you can call Gulf times and ask the legal expert that they talked to in order to get this input:
Good luck and I hope you get the favor your way. My rent is due for renewal this september so I'm hoping they won't go beyond 10% as well since it's a semi furnished flat.
have you paid rent in these 7 months? if yes, then you can rest till dec . if you have not paid rent for these 7 months, then you r in deep trouble as ur landlord can contest in court stating that you defaulted the rent payment hence you have to be evicted. lawyers r very very expensive in doha incase you are thinking of that option.
Have you made any payments during last seven months? As I understand, if the owner has taken even one month rent at a specified rate, this rent is applicable to the whole year. You may have to check it with a lawyer first.
if you can pay up ... i suggest you pay up. If you take your landlord to court and loose you have to move out and strictly speaking i dont think you can find a flat for QR 5000 at the presents rate.
Other scenario ... you might win (which is very slim chance) and stay in your flat and your landlord still can kick you out with the excuse he want to use the flat unit for his personal use (being occupy by his relatives or family)