Housing disaster
I'm really sorry for your situation. Our family of 7 got here and were put into a 3 bedroom temporary place as well because the company housing was full. It was only for 1 month though. 4 months is long! I guess the only thing is to be patient and keep applying gentle pressure on the company. Keep calling and asking for updates. Make them your friends and maybe they will work harder to find a better place for you. It's almost spring and lots of people will start moving. Make sure you are at the top of the list to be moved. I doubt yelling would help in this situation, although I'm sure you feel like it daily.
Housing disaster
I'm really sorry for your situation. Our family of 7 got here and were put into a 3 bedroom temporary place as well because the company housing was full. It was only for 1 month though. 4 months is long! I guess the only thing is to be patient and keep applying gentle pressure on the company. Keep calling and asking for updates. Make them your friends and maybe they will work harder to find a better place for you. It's almost spring and lots of people will start moving. Make sure you are at the top of the list to be moved. I doubt yelling would help in this situation, although I'm sure you feel like it daily.