Any Suggestions on Housing Situation/Disaster?

We just moved to Doha from the States almost 4 months ago.
While agreeing to move here, we were told we would be given either a 5 bedroom or 4 bedroom Villa for our family of 8. We have 6 children.
Shortly before we got on the plane to come we were told we were to stay in an apt. For a short time while they find suitable accommodation. Well they gave us, can you imagine... TWO 3 bedroom Apts. Well my kids are young and I cannot live in TWO apts.! So here we are in this very small apt. 8 people, no garden for the kids all winter long, construction down below us so no walks with the stroller, our belongings like new clothes and household stuff is still packed in over 40 boxes.
The company has shown us some villas over this time period but all are really small, or not good finishing.
They have beautiful housing in their complex :-) but they say its full :-(
Im so sad. We left a very large house with a yard for the kids to play in. We are gaining weight just sitting here all day long and I dont know why I get so depressed. We have looked at villas but the amount they would give us to spend on a villa is not nearly enough to house us all.
I feel let down and disappointed. I know a lot of people at the company housing and they can't believe we are in a tiny 3 bedroom apt.
We have talked to the housing manager but so far we have not gotten anywhere. Any suggestions? We are not the type to start screaming at them, that is not our way.
HELP! By the way I dont drive yet, and so Im in the apt 24/7.
I'm so sorry to hear about your housing nightmare - I cannot imagine. To give you a bit of a break (and your kids something to do), you might want to get involved in our mums group, Doha Expat Mums & Kids Prospective members must attend an event before joining the group, but we happen to have an event tomorrow in the Beverly Hills tower. Check out our website.. .you can RSVP through the Contact page.
Good luck - I hope they move you very soon.
Expat Sueño
P.S. You might want to enable your Private Messaging in QL. You'll receive the random e-mail from people "wanting to be your loyal servant", which is annoying, but it will also allow people to contact you with info on villas if they don't want to post it publicly.
Housing disaster
I'm really sorry for your situation. Our family of 7 got here and were put into a 3 bedroom temporary place as well because the company housing was full. It was only for 1 month though. 4 months is long! I guess the only thing is to be patient and keep applying gentle pressure on the company. Keep calling and asking for updates. Make them your friends and maybe they will work harder to find a better place for you. It's almost spring and lots of people will start moving. Make sure you are at the top of the list to be moved. I doubt yelling would help in this situation, although I'm sure you feel like it daily.
Welcome to Qatar and joint the club, I hope your husband is not working in the same compeny is my husband. I have similer situaion as you , but I don't have a big family and I drive, so I can go out and meet people, and that makes my day goes faster.
We have been in Qatar for nine months, and we are suppose to be here for two years But I'm hoping to move out of here by the and of June.
So now you know that you are not the only one. Injoy the rest of your stay.
Really sorry abt your situation.
Maybe if you can let me know how many rooms do you want in a villa, i could try and look for something. I also lived in a big place earlier with good space for my dog to run around n play, but now my husband n myself have shifted into a small crammped up place. Not saying its the same. I too sit in the house all day long n have no one around. I know that can get depressing. Dont worry, all will fall into place. Just let me know how many rooms you looking for and the price if possible. U can email it to me.
Take care
Hi. Better not to scream but to find solution. I would say you may contact a number of real real estate agents that you can find in the classified add pages of Gulf times. View a number of them with the agents assistance and suggest one you like to your housing manager. Move in If they allow you to, or tell them to provide you one within their facility. If they are reluctant, you better go for legal assistance.
Good luck