Charmed - spot on 100% agree
I obviously have a different definition of harrassment to Person.
I find by bitter experience I MUST 'nip things in the bud' because ignoring has NEVER led to someone politely going away...
also I feel I have a duty to make a strong stance because I am a grown women and if I don't scare people off and show them strongly it is unacceptable behaviour then their next target maybe a young girl.
so person next time you ignore think of the message you are sending and who they may harass next... because your taciturn approach was misinterpreted and helped them believe it is ok to behave that way...
Charmed - spot on 100% agree
I obviously have a different definition of harrassment to Person.
I find by bitter experience I MUST 'nip things in the bud' because ignoring has NEVER led to someone politely going away...
also I feel I have a duty to make a strong stance because I am a grown women and if I don't scare people off and show them strongly it is unacceptable behaviour then their next target maybe a young girl.
so person next time you ignore think of the message you are sending and who they may harass next... because your taciturn approach was misinterpreted and helped them believe it is ok to behave that way...