Dont fly that high because there is no oxygen and u will fall to death.
guidelines were already declared months ago and every one voted. you may just go find that forum either vote for it or post ur comment there not to make a new forum seekin attention that u are the master.
The site already got owner who is always online here and besides him his brother he is takin control of everything around. and ur this forum aint worth a while that every one will come up and start sharing what they want and what they dont.
So actin smart is good But the users here are not that fool that they are not aware of anything. they went through alot here on QL fights, Jokes, Insult, Helping, Providin Info to those who are out of Qatar but part of QL. So just stay as they rest are and if u dont like any topic or any post just carry on to an other one. guidelines funny Sinned Guidelines no one will obey them. Coz they know really who need to be obeyed here.
In last ur topic is useless pal.
