Why do you get so upset about people just looking at you? Yes I know some people don't look in a nice way but that doesn't bother me, I can safely ignore them with no harm done. Do you actually think it is rude to look at someone in general?

Personally, as long as a random man is not shouting obscenities or actually trying to touch me, they can stare all they want and then some. Be proud of what yer mama gave ya! I don't even mind catcalls; sometimes, they make me smile. And no, I do not understand why some women get so terribly offended by drivers tooting or flashing lights when passing (if they stop and make inappropriate suggestions that's another thing).

As for the email solicitations of 'friendship', most of this does not contain offensive wording and we are free to ignore it (I never respond to any messages of this type; but it is a bit worrying that some people are desperate enough to send their full name, address and phone numbers to someone they don't have any idea about). You have to have just a little bit of compassion for the thousands of guys in Qatar who are so lonely they will try and find company any way they can, even a slightly questionable one.

We are all people, and being attracted to other people is something we have in common. Compared to some places where I've lived, I think most approaches in here have been quite polite; that said there are always some genuine freaks out there and it is good to be careful.

So, to the guy offering a lift, a polite no thank you.
To the desperate messenger, deletion.
To the starer, going ahead unfazed with my own business.
To the schoolboys waving from a car, a wave back.

To the grabber and the intimidating stalker, the police.
