Other option is to take Etihad to Jakarta then to Australia. Transit about 1-1/2 hour in Abu Dhabi. It departs at 22.45 PM Doha and arrives at 13.30 Jakarta local time.
When booking, you will be offered a bunch of ticket price options, the more expensive the more priviledge you have. Try to click "Rules" to understand what you get and what you won't get. You may consider selecting one with Refundable Option. The cheapest option is non-refundable. The next one is refundable and changeable flight schedule with additional fee.
Other option is to take Etihad to Jakarta then to Australia. Transit about 1-1/2 hour in Abu Dhabi. It departs at 22.45 PM Doha and arrives at 13.30 Jakarta local time.
When booking, you will be offered a bunch of ticket price options, the more expensive the more priviledge you have. Try to click "Rules" to understand what you get and what you won't get. You may consider selecting one with Refundable Option. The cheapest option is non-refundable. The next one is refundable and changeable flight schedule with additional fee.