I believe you did the right thing by not letting in to the demands of the greedy landlord. My brother had a problem with his landlord who increased his house's rent by 60% and of the other tenants as. So what happened was that God Almighty saved them. The landlord's wife got seriosuly ill and he took it as a warning by the Supreme Power. So he backed off his plan to increase the rent. And now he has no intentions of increasing the rent fow two more years as per the new contract.

The situation in Qatar is becoming like HongKong the land there is extremely expensive. Hongkong doesn't had empty land Whereas Qatar has so much barren and unused land. Why doesn;t the Government lease the land to the expatriates. It claims that it has no options to curb the rising inflation. This suggestion has been posted many times recently in the Gulf-Times. Hope someone from the Royal Family reads the Gulf-Times