Please bring your dogs here because my dogs would like some new friends!!

things here can get pretty bad in the summer, but many dogs live here and adjust just fine, like we do. My dogs also came from US, but they are smaller breed, Shih-Tzu's. Wwe actually have already given birth to a litter of 5 pups and have sold them all successfully. You will be surprized how well they will adjust.

The cost is nothing compared to other places. There is no quarantine time required when they get here. what I did, was hired a pet relocator to handle all the little details and they really did a fantastic job. you can search on the internet for one you like. If you love your dogs, like I love mine- no price is too much! really, get some estimates and the price here on this end is very inexpensive, but buying good food has been kind of a challenge, but now we just go to the vet for the science diet.