Yogurt is a great baby food. It contain lots of high quality protein, plenty of calcium, and beneficial bacteria. It is appropriate to offer yogurt to babies generally after six months of age, and then only as a supplement to formula or breast milk, not as a replacement.
Choose the plain, full fat yogurt. Babies do not need the added sugar of the flavored variety. If your baby does not care for the yogurt plain, try adding a little mashed fruit such as banana, applesauce or papaya.
Yogurt is a great baby food. It contain lots of high quality protein, plenty of calcium, and beneficial bacteria. It is appropriate to offer yogurt to babies generally after six months of age, and then only as a supplement to formula or breast milk, not as a replacement.
Choose the plain, full fat yogurt. Babies do not need the added sugar of the flavored variety. If your baby does not care for the yogurt plain, try adding a little mashed fruit such as banana, applesauce or papaya.