There is a store on Salwa Rd that specialises in Italian Espresso Machines and I think they sell Gaggia. I cannot remember the name, but I think it's on the same row as KA international, the interior furnishing place.

Oh for anyone else......... GAGGIA cannot even remotely be compared to kenwood! It's like comparing a Ferrari to Hyndai! :)

If I find the name of the place I'll let you know. If you can't get it fixed, and you still want a good coffee, I suggest you buy a Bialetti Moka Express. It's a little coffee pot that every Italian in the world has in their kitchen, trust me! :) The secret is that it be used every day, and it must never be washed with soap , only rinsed and dried thoroughly. Good luck.

[img_assist|nid=14961|title=Bialetti Moka Express|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=133|height=180]