Coffee, Coffee,Coffee

By Tigasin321 •
Can someone please help? My Gaggia Espresso machine has recently stopped working. It needs repairing or servicing and I don't know where to take it. I am an irritable person at the best of times but the lack of good coffee is making me crazy. If anyone knows of someone or somewhere that can fix/repair these machines, I will buy you a coffee.
If you have any enquiries about coffee
Iam happy to help you 31072513 call me
If you are looking for Style and simply the best coffee ever man have made and you can get all this in your home well just visit one of the two espressamente illy cafe's in doha.. Salwa Road and Al fardan towers West Bay
Richard, did you have any luck in the Salwa Road?????
...great advice on the coffee. Yesterday I was telling a friend never to use soap to clean it. It never completely rinses away and really does effect the taste.
I'm one of those crazy canadians who is addicted to our Tim Horton's, filter coffee with tons of caffeine. Real cream, not milk.
I do like espresso and cappuccino, and I'll drink starbucks if I have to, I need my coffee with cream.
I use a blend of coffee. I use a blend of about 1/4 espresso with cardamom and 3/4 light roasted Columbian. It gives me a rich, mellow flavour with a hint of spice. I pour in some cream and I'm temporarily transported to heaven.
la dolce vita
Thanks, I still owe you one of my coffee's! :) If you've already had chickenpox, you can still come over. :)
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
I know, I often wonder that myself. Sadly it's become impossible to find a job, and when you do, they don't pay enough to survive.
We would return in an instant if we could find a job that paid even a 1/4 as much as here.
The greatness of a nation can be judged on its ability to make great coffee, superb food, fashion sense, cultural richness, climate and areas of historic interest.
What I don't understand is why there are any Italians who are not in Italy.
Moonbeam, thanks! it's good to learn little Italian secrets about coffee making ; )
Hope your daughter recovers soon, I'll try to give you a call later.
The problem here is that they don't know how to maintain their machines and clean them out properly. At starbucks they ALWAYS burn the coffee, so it's always bitter. I hate that.
Let me know if you find a bialetti coffee maker here in Doha.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
Little do people know.........there is less Caffeine in a well made espresso than in an American Coffee.
The secret lies in how the coffe is prepared. Caffeine is extracted in greater quanties when the brewing is slow and prolonged. Hence Filter coffees tend to extract more caffeine than Espresso machines, because espresso machine send hot water and steam to extract first the aroma and colour and near the end of the brewing process you get an lighter coffee which is where the bitterness is and more caffeine.
Now that you know this, it's not hard to make a good coffee.
When you use a good electrical espresso machine like the Gaggia, the machine does all the work for you. A good coffee is 'ristretto' which means 'short' in italian. In qatar, the only decent espresso ristretto I have tasted is in Biella at the mall.
With a Gaggia, the coffee comes out dark and thick with a creamy froth on top. It is said in italy that this froth should hold a spoonful of sugar for a second or two before allowing it into the coffee below. If it does this, it's good coffee. :)
If you make it with a manual machine, you won't get this froth, but you can still make a good coffee. Here's how:
In the bottom part of the Bialetti, you put the water (bottled is best here), up to the little valve. Place the filter cartrigde inside and top up with GOOD espresso ground coffee. Tap lightly to flatten. Screw on the top part of the Bialletti tightly and place on the stove on high.
Then you watch! Wait for the coffee to start coming through. As you see the top part fill with coffee, keep waiting until near the end you will see it gets lighter in colour and you will hear a kind of 'spurting', meaning that all the water from the bottom part has come through. Do not allow it to spurt too much. Basically as soon as you hear it spurt, take it off the stove! Give it a quick mix with the spoon in the machine and serve. You won't have the froth on top, but that can be made with milk if you like, using a milk frother like the one below. Makes great thick cappuccino creamy froth!
This is how I make my coffee every day. And don't forget, you must NEVER wash the coffee pot with soap. If used regularly and allowed to dry, it will always be clean, even if stained.
Oh, I almost forgot; if you buy the bialetti, get the 3 cup one, not the 6 cup one. Bigger is not always better. The 3 cup one makes much better coffee.
[img_assist|nid=15244|title=Milk frothers|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=86]
Please write a post on how to make a good coffee. Italians really understand coffee. Once you have tasted really good coffee it is very hard to settle for anything less. A bit like sex I guess.
Patriotism cannot be our final spiritual shelter; my refuge is humanity. Tagore, Bengali Poet
I can't live without coffee. I have only ever used the Bialetti, because that's what all italians have, and the Gaggia is too expensive here. The first few coffees aren't the best, but after a couple of uses, and especially if you don't burn the coffee, results are wonderful.
Joe Kanuck, the manual one is best, and it should be Bialetti, or at least one that comes from ITALY. But I'm glad that one is working for you.
I'll write in a separate post on how to make a good coffee. Years of experience I suppose, using the simplest methods. :)
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
...I picked up a coffee maker that looks much like that at Carrefour. It's electric and has a plastic top instead of metal. So far, it's working like a charm. It cost just over 100QR. I've had it for a few weeks now and I've saved at least 3 times that much from avoiding StarBlechhs...
We are obviously kindred spirits. Good analogy about Gaggia and Ferrari. They are both amazing when they are working well and a nightmare when they stop.
I will try the store on Salwa and will report back for Alison. I like your backup idea. Had better get a Bialetti for the times the gaggia is on the fritz.
Patriotism cannot be our final spiritual shelter; my refuge is humanity. Tagore, Bengali Poet
What's with Italian electrical stuff that stop working?
There is a store on Salwa Rd that specialises in Italian Espresso Machines and I think they sell Gaggia. I cannot remember the name, but I think it's on the same row as KA international, the interior furnishing place.
Oh for anyone else......... GAGGIA cannot even remotely be compared to kenwood! It's like comparing a Ferrari to Hyndai! :)
If I find the name of the place I'll let you know. If you can't get it fixed, and you still want a good coffee, I suggest you buy a Bialetti Moka Express. It's a little coffee pot that every Italian in the world has in their kitchen, trust me! :) The secret is that it be used every day, and it must never be washed with soap , only rinsed and dried thoroughly. Good luck.
[img_assist|nid=14961|title=Bialetti Moka Express|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=133|height=180]
P.O.Box 20720,
, Dubai
Ph. +971-43436444
Fax +971-43433305
e-mail: [email protected]
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mahatma Gandhi
Hi Richard. Did you have any luck with your machine. Ours is only a few months old and stopped working with no warning....any ideas? Too expensive to ditch!!!!!
I was at the Blue Salon yesterday, they sell espresso machines there upstairs and even have one Gaggia model. The guy said they have some repairman who does fixing works for them, you may want to try there. Cheers
Hussanf coffee - Italian coffee 'the way u like it' perhaps?
... weird dupe...
"Pretty cheap"... hmmm.
In my experience, it's impossible to find a decent espresso machine in Doha, except for the commercial ones. Where exactly would you recommend going, Hussanf?
richard - Sorry I can't help you with your problem, but, I'd like to take this opportunity to ask you - Where in Doha can I buy a burr grinder for coffee beans. Everywhere I see, they have only the ones with blades in them.
Better stop drinking expresso. you can save a lot of money for thursday nights
they are pretty cheap
"missiles, warships and nuclear weapons cannot establish security. Instead they destroy what peace and security build." Anwar Sadat
Well, sorry Richard but in my drive-by recce today I couldn't see the exact shopfront, so I don't have any more definite details. Perhaps it has moved on (I last visited there about 6 months ago) or perhaps it is getting a facelift - there seemed to be quite a few stores whose signs at the front were being redone. Or, perhaps I just missed it. I am sure the name of the shop had the word "coffee" in it, but I just can't remember what it was called...
Anyway, I *believe* that it is/was somewhere between Decoration R'about and the next r'about (when going out of town), so it might be worth keeping an eye out if you are in that area.
Otherwise, there is a shop called 'Kitchenco' in the same general area; they carry some commercial espresso machines so they *might* be able to fix it/ refer you on...
I believe that the Gaggia range usually has an aluminium boiler, and corrosion can be a (fatal) factor... parhaps it has just reached the end of its life...
Good luck; I know the feeling - I "lost" my espresso machine a while ago as well, and replacing it in Doha proved near impossible. :(
Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
I really appreciate it.
I *think* there is a shop out along Salwa Rd that sells Gaggia machines - perhaps they might be able to put you in touch with someone who can service it? (assuming it's a fixable problem)
If I am driving past it today I will keep an eye out and get more specific location/name details.
I am afraid I dont know this brand, but i have already posted an ad for KENWOOD espresso machine for sale :)