Honey, are you OK? Are you in any physical or legal danger because of your situation? You need to make sure that you are safe and healthy before making any big decisions. That said, I don't believe that you will be able to stay in Qatar as a woman who is pregnant and unmarried. If you want to keep the baby you will need to go home in all likelihood. I'm not too sure about getting any financial help from the father either. In other countries you can ask for money from the legal system but here I don't think it's possible. Will your boss/the father send you home quietly? If you want to have the baby that would probably be the best option. But please be careful and be discreet. My understanding is that it is against the law in Qatar to be pregnant and unmarried.
Honey, are you OK? Are you in any physical or legal danger because of your situation? You need to make sure that you are safe and healthy before making any big decisions. That said, I don't believe that you will be able to stay in Qatar as a woman who is pregnant and unmarried. If you want to keep the baby you will need to go home in all likelihood. I'm not too sure about getting any financial help from the father either. In other countries you can ask for money from the legal system but here I don't think it's possible. Will your boss/the father send you home quietly? If you want to have the baby that would probably be the best option. But please be careful and be discreet. My understanding is that it is against the law in Qatar to be pregnant and unmarried.