i've left behind in dis sharp foolin world. ppl don't ve ne thing to do except fun. one day they will die in fun... :-)

ray, thx for pani puri nd dahi puri. it was nice remedy on dis april fool which saved u from being blacklisted for the rest of ur life. i'm glad u forgot all i said 2 u in anger in my previous posts nd that's good part of u. yeah ofcourse i won't forget april fool but won't stop going if i receive invitation.

colt, yaar tum ko main kya kahoon. in fact dude i swear by God don't have vacabolary to praise u and ppl like u. dis fun inshaAllah will pay u back someday...

have a nice day.

hassen, dude 2morrow must meet, fsl wil be there 2, must finalize guitar piece and practice, don't have much time dis week, a lot of home maintenance work to do.

"Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired"
Robert Frost

"Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired"
Robert Frost