D jOurneY wil b nIce.. buT b sure DaT u geT enUff spaCe nd If U hav a cd plaYer at ur caR, Juz make sure u taK enuff cd's for ur musiC. nd choose more slOw or soNgs without much beats more than the hip songs, coz u get tiring whn u go with the beats for a long time.. NYwaY.. haPy jouRneY...
D jOurneY wil b nIce.. buT b sure DaT u geT enUff spaCe nd If U hav a cd plaYer at ur caR, Juz make sure u taK enuff cd's for ur musiC. nd choose more slOw or soNgs without much beats more than the hip songs, coz u get tiring whn u go with the beats for a long time.. NYwaY.. haPy jouRneY...