motiv, it's true i didn't like how u posted comments for hassen and me but de point u just raised regardin kashmir issue, i agree wid it.
silk, stealth, Ima: listen respected folks, we are here on QL helpin ppl in Qatar and those who are comin in/goin out of Qatar. we are not here to discuss these sensitiv issues. our govts r spendin huge amount of money, time and resources to talk on these issues so plz don't discuss it here and create a separate thread so only those who belong to ur school of thought come and join u. we are here from india and pakistan as friends and we don't want ne kind of political, religious, or regional issue to be discussed here. a BIG THANKS and APPRECIATION on ur cooperation IN ADVANCE!
motiv, it's true i didn't like how u posted comments for hassen and me but de point u just raised regardin kashmir issue, i agree wid it.
silk, stealth, Ima: listen respected folks, we are here on QL helpin ppl in Qatar and those who are comin in/goin out of Qatar. we are not here to discuss these sensitiv issues. our govts r spendin huge amount of money, time and resources to talk on these issues so plz don't discuss it here and create a separate thread so only those who belong to ur school of thought come and join u. we are here from india and pakistan as friends and we don't want ne kind of political, religious, or regional issue to be discussed here. a BIG THANKS and APPRECIATION on ur cooperation IN ADVANCE!