I hope I do not sound stupid here......

The lemon grass I am referring to is real leaf, dried or fresh, and it smells lemony.

My Mon used to get it (from where - don't know) here in Qatar from her (Pak) friend, and when fresh look like grass in long strands of about 1 metre length, this can be used fresh or dried in the sun and then stored and boiled with tea leaves.

What you mention is thai paste, preserved bottles ??? confused me, ie; what I am refering to is making masala chai.
Will check out what you have seen at the hypermarts or FFC(As the airport FFC is closest to home).

Any idea why GITs Pakora mix is not available at any of the Hypermarts, FFC, FC ????

If you know any else, please don't hold back.

Han, thanks for your response.