motiv, u're sick man. u know when u came first time on dis forum i though u're a good guy and i enjoyed ur jokes but yaar sorry 2 say u don't deseve to receive a "hello".
u r image was gettin bad but now it's worst. so bro don't come again on this forum. go somewhere else dude, u don't belong to dis place, i like han, sd, ray, ot they are also from india but their conversations were never discriminating but what u did to us seems to me that u're taking some kind of revange of i don't know what.
so enjoy ur weekend do have fun with other ppl, but not on this forum Mr. "NTN - Not To Know"
motiv, u're sick man. u know when u came first time on dis forum i though u're a good guy and i enjoyed ur jokes but yaar sorry 2 say u don't deseve to receive a "hello".
u r image was gettin bad but now it's worst. so bro don't come again on this forum. go somewhere else dude, u don't belong to dis place, i like han, sd, ray, ot they are also from india but their conversations were never discriminating but what u did to us seems to me that u're taking some kind of revange of i don't know what.
so enjoy ur weekend do have fun with other ppl, but not on this forum Mr. "NTN - Not To Know"