what a Systems Analyst means in Middle East... my personal interpretation of this position is a universal IT guy (or in slang - a universal IT donkey). oh yeah if u find Sr. Software Engineer the it would be leading position and would definitly requiring PM experience.
You will rarely find any job in Middle East with specific positions like PM, Software Engineer etc. just go through the details of the job posting to check whether it suite u or not.
Qatar is small and IT is not at that peek as it's in Saudi or UAE. But money in Qatar is good.
what a Systems Analyst means in Middle East... my personal interpretation of this position is a universal IT guy (or in slang - a universal IT donkey). oh yeah if u find Sr. Software Engineer the it would be leading position and would definitly requiring PM experience.
You will rarely find any job in Middle East with specific positions like PM, Software Engineer etc. just go through the details of the job posting to check whether it suite u or not.
Qatar is small and IT is not at that peek as it's in Saudi or UAE. But money in Qatar is good.