Atleast some are not fighting :-)
Keep it up!! I'll inshaAllah manage to get our roothay bros back soon. I wanna meet them waitin for their response about address details.
u welcome shraddhay for the gift vouchers. apa ;-) nahin dikh rahi aaj?
gypsy gal, i noticed u here for the first time well it's good to see people from india and pak discussing openly in this forum.
have a good day to u all!!
nice songs!!
"Albela Albela", "Jane hai woh kahan" dedicated to rayyz and motiv8er, cheer up guys!!
Atleast some are not fighting :-)
Keep it up!! I'll inshaAllah manage to get our roothay bros back soon. I wanna meet them waitin for their response about address details.
u welcome shraddhay for the gift vouchers. apa ;-) nahin dikh rahi aaj?
gypsy gal, i noticed u here for the first time well it's good to see people from india and pak discussing openly in this forum.
have a good day to u all!!
nice songs!!
"Albela Albela", "Jane hai woh kahan" dedicated to rayyz and motiv8er, cheer up guys!!