Sami- Thank you for posting these wonderful articles. The only problem is that during the same time periods that those articles were written..

1) Eggs were extremely dangerous
2) Milk was not pasteurized
3) Cheese could kill you
4) Qatari's were riding camels

Now lets go find some current research that states-

1) Pork is as safe as any other meat
2) Modern hog farms are far cleaner than the chicken coops of the modern day
3) Pork has been shown to be a much better alternative for health than beef...known as the other whit meat next to chicken
4) Hogs in modern day are fed diets of grain just as cows and chickens

So lets drop the ancient knowledge and catch up with the modern world. Pork is forbidden by religion and is a choice to be followed by man. The ability to make a choice on wether to consume pork should be as much a FREE choice as drinking alohol, committing adultery, looking at pornographry, driving faster than the posted speed limits, using turning indicators while driving, smoking cigarettes......

So you say there is a logical reason to legally bind an entire populace. In that case lets address the EXTREMELY high rate of adultery amongst the population, lets ban automobiles and women as they just encourage the good hearted feeble minded (see post by fc1yrg above) Muslim population of the country to do BAD things.

Use your head and understand we are not questioning your personal choice to consume pork or to not indulge in the other Haram acts. We only question the lack of choice (freedom) given to those of us who choose to enjoy these items.

Hmmm- which personality is coming out today?