Strung way to tigt bunnyhop, you should try getting some.

The venue's parking was the Game's responsibility and was non existent.
The piss poor attitude of the security and general workers dealing with the public was the Gmae's problem
The lack of available merchandise was the Game's problem.

I could keep going but you being part of the organizer's should be the last person saying you did a "splendid" job. This event was mediocre at best as evidenced by low attendance, poor morale, number of comlaints, and general lack of anyone really giving a sh** about it. Perhaps in a third world country it was well handled but by european, american, or even...oh hold it comes.....Australian standards it would have been a poor showing even for a local football (soccer) tournament, not even wothry of World Cup let alone Olympic competition.

Hmmm- which personality is coming out today?