I just throw out a topic to get it started, where it goes is up to the imagination and in general what I put up is for entertainment purposes only. I do enjoy a good chuckle at some of the comments and even try to incite or solicit further comments.
As to this one pork has been proven low in cholesterol and quite good as an occasional meat. No meat is good for you in mass quantities but all is necessary for a variety of amino acids and proteins it provides. Fish and the especially the fat in fish has certain healthy aspects. Beef is necessary for amino acids. Chicken, well I am not a fan of either the texture nor the flavor. Pork...mmmm nothing like some good baby backs or a fried up pork chop.
I just throw out a topic to get it started, where it goes is up to the imagination and in general what I put up is for entertainment purposes only. I do enjoy a good chuckle at some of the comments and even try to incite or solicit further comments.
As to this one pork has been proven low in cholesterol and quite good as an occasional meat. No meat is good for you in mass quantities but all is necessary for a variety of amino acids and proteins it provides. Fish and the especially the fat in fish has certain healthy aspects. Beef is necessary for amino acids. Chicken, well I am not a fan of either the texture nor the flavor. Pork...mmmm nothing like some good baby backs or a fried up pork chop.
Hmmm- which personality is coming out today?