Yeah I have a few contacts in the UK. But to even consider anything there, since im not a UK res, its a tad bit harder for me to get one of those new cards. Hell I forget what they're called. But like I said I have a couple contacts with Top Dog Security and a couple others.
I was leaning to offering services to govt owned companies out here like QP, RAS GAS, Ritz Carlton, and so on. I know Dubai has recently opened an EDD company and I have no clue as to why this country, especially with the asian games coming, hasnt contracted a company yet.

Like I said in previous posts I do know a coupe of the Qatari Trainers here, but my pesronal opinion will be better off kept to myself. I know where they got their "BEST DOGS" and i know for a fact the they are NOT that particular agencies "BEST DOGS." I think I'll leave that one up for others to form their own opinions.