You might be surprised to find that in general I see no...
Ricky Gervais's lecture on Creation
No, I don't think I'll bother. "Deaths in the...
Qatar Tourism Board strap line:
"Visit Qatar And...
always reminds me of *mirkin* now! can't help it!...
Laughing Out Of Politeness (Means it wasn't funny but I...
why does there NEED to be a cause, or a reason? People...
The Adam and Eve story is just one of many creation...
I was on the 'Define the West' thread and it was very...
To be added to your list of purely 'western' thinking...
You might be surprised to find that in general I see no...
Ricky Gervais's lecture on Creation
No, I don't think I'll bother.
"Deaths in the...
Qatar Tourism Board strap line:
"Visit Qatar And...
always reminds me of *mirkin* now! can't help it!...
Laughing Out Of Politeness (Means it wasn't funny but I...
why does there NEED to be a cause, or a reason? People...
The Adam and Eve story is just one of many creation...
I was on the 'Define the West' thread and it was very...
To be added to your list of purely 'western' thinking...