To the outside world it appears like all these...
"Bad news" I just hear those words and immediately...
Yaaaay..I'm a nerd and I never realized it!
Or did she not? Is she a witch or is she not a witch?...
My best friend and my cousin are both there with their...
You tell em...Most of us(I assume) are quite disgusted...
Scary thought..Audubillah! Of course this...
Raheemullah Ali Hassan Al Jaber..May he attend Jannah,...
Such horror and devastation..the images indeed are soul...
Very very moving...We as Muslims are obligated to...
To the outside world it appears like all these...
"Bad news" I just hear those words and immediately...
Yaaaay..I'm a nerd and I never realized it!
...Or did she not? Is she a witch or is she not a witch?...
My best friend and my cousin are both there with their...
You tell em...Most of us(I assume) are quite disgusted...
Scary thought..Audubillah!
Of course this...
Raheemullah Ali Hassan Al Jaber..May he attend Jannah,...
Such horror and devastation..the images indeed are soul...
Very very moving...We as Muslims are obligated to...