Your company should pay for your housing, schooling for...
Some compounds have television hookup and internet...
Nestle is a Swiss company, metrocity. We should get our...
Yes, I agree with baldrick. Somehow it seems one is...
Yes, my American cat (Osama) came from the shelter...
Good morning, Vegas, did you click on the wrong thread...
Good morning UKeng, what gets you up so early on a...
LOVE the Doha suicide map. My current favorite is the...
Good morning, notfromhere! I'm home watching the Sugar...
Mine took four weeks.
Your company should pay for your housing, schooling for...
Some compounds have television hookup and internet...
Nestle is a Swiss company, metrocity. We should get our...
Yes, I agree with baldrick. Somehow it seems one is...
Yes, my American cat (Osama) came from the shelter...
Good morning, Vegas, did you click on the wrong thread...
Good morning UKeng, what gets you up so early on a...
LOVE the Doha suicide map. My current favorite is the...
Good morning, notfromhere! I'm home watching the Sugar...
Mine took four weeks.