Not only is the buying and selling of a visa illegal...
Fridays, sorry.
BE, yeah but Arrakis had underground caves. Mandi...
Use the salary of your last job as a guideline....
I'm just leaving for the airport now to come back from...
Oh, crap, he's back. MODS! Mandi
No, no, mmyke, it's about a Christian in the US killing...
Yes, in fact the latest abortion doctor to be killed...
Mmyke, well, maybe not so much anymore. As a student of...
Shelly, you will owe US taxes on the fair market value...
Not only is the buying and selling of a visa illegal...
Fridays, sorry.
BE, yeah but Arrakis had underground caves.
Use the salary of your last job as a guideline.
I'm just leaving for the airport now to come back from...
Oh, crap, he's back. MODS!
No, no, mmyke, it's about a Christian in the US killing...
Yes, in fact the latest abortion doctor to be killed...
Mmyke, well, maybe not so much anymore. As a student of...
Shelly, you will owe US taxes on the fair market value...