How can you lot get randy about a bit of bread?...
I personally can't stand crumpets nor marmite!
I don't know what Paav is Choc..perhaps Rizks can...
LOL, the pics aren't the best but you get the gist....
Ok, now I'm confused...what's Paav?
and what is this...
Let's work this out, what do you call this..
Right back at ya TB :-) xXx
LOL Chocoholic :-)
Chocoholic: Hope you're keeping well :-)...bread isn't...
How can you lot get randy about a bit of bread?...
I personally can't stand crumpets nor marmite!
I don't know what Paav is Choc..perhaps Rizks can...
LOL, the pics aren't the best but you get the gist....
Ok, now I'm confused...what's Paav?
and what is this...
Let's work this out, what do you call this..
Right back at ya TB :-) xXx
LOL Chocoholic :-)
Chocoholic: Hope you're keeping well :-)...bread isn't...