Kingsmill Bread
Now this may only be of interest to the British among us, but some other nationalities may like to know that there is an alternative to bread baked here in Qatar.
When speaking to fellow Brit's they are always surprised when complaining about bread here, that I buy Kingsmill from LuLu. So I thought why not share this apparently top secret purveyor of one of the best loafs of bread in the world with everyone.
Yes you can buy the illustrious Kingsmill from LuLu imported from the UK. However you won't find it in the bread section. It is in the refrigerated section staying nice and fresh.
And for those that are asking what's wrong with bread baked in Qatar. It seems to follow an American recipe and has sugar in it, yuck!
Was in Lulu yesterday, and the barstewards have put the price of Kingsmill up from QR 17 to QR 18 just in time for Ramadan.
Is she an accomplice of Zorro , the Gay Blade ?
lol TB.... :P
No of course not MJ.... but please let me hold onto that thought for a moment ;)
errrr, TB, so now I'm gay??? :P
Errrr..... I thought a Bandit Queen was a gay Mexican outlaw.
LOL ok then... it'll be our little secret.. ;)
lol tinks, bandit queen? do I need to put a stocking on my head then? :P
I must be... :P
I have sent this message to the LULU guys...
They have the place evacuated... put in multiple security barricades.... and placed snipers at perfect angles....
See.... I told you.... crazed women
lol tinks, well I could be violent at times hahaha... I even did a red queen impression on my FB... OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!! :P
tinks, maybe I should just wring his neck and break his arm.. :P
lol crazed woman huh!!! :P
yeah that woman might just go back to Lulu with a butcher's knife on her hand demanding crumpets! :P
Singer & Songwriter James Blunt has expressed utter dismay at how a Bread Thread can attract more attention than him saving the world. Even his thread was momentarily taken over by crazed women desperate for crumpet.
The entire reserves of crumpets held in Doha were wiped out yesterday following panic buying caused by an idiot QLer.
Cheese stocks were also reduced, but for some reason there still seems to be plenty of Marmite left on the shelves.
TB, same pinch? :P
MJ I like your thinking ;)
breakfast at Paul's,... :)
TB, that would be olive tapenade. :)
Ahhhh... now in Paul they also have that crushed olive stuff (whatever it's called) to go with it don't they.
thanks nomerci.. :)
MJ, yes it is. But only at Paul's in either Villaggio or Landmark.
lol TB...
This one is extra crusty ;)
Mr. Timebandit does bake exceedingly good threads ;)
nomerci, is sourdough bread available here?
MJ, but only with sourdough bread, it tastes vile with regular toast.
toast with olive oil and garlic powder, now that is a must try!
lol, enjoy! I know a few more, but I will spare you the agony for now.;)
nomerci you have my tummy rumbling here ;)
Tb, next time you go to Germany or get hold of German breadtry this...take a slice of the bread, put it in the toaster (needs a bit more time than white bread) after toasting it, sprinkle olive oil and garlic powder on it...yummmm! An Italian friend of mine told me about this.
Tough call snessy...
I guess... i grew up on vegemite so LOVE IT!! :)
each to their own i guess lol
TB: surely you don't think Kingsmill is better than Warburtons?
It does.... It's less tangy now I think..
That sticker used to make all the difference.. :O(
nomerci I will say though... I like the heavy German breads with butter, sauerkraut and German sausage and boiled potatoes. A very good German friend of mine used to serve it up regularly. But of course you can't toast heavy bread, well you can, but I don't think it would be nice. And it's a different ball game to Kingsmill.
BTW did I mention I have shares in Kingsmill ;)
Brit I have Golden Shred most mornings, but is it just me, or does it taste different since the demise of the Golliwog? way! Really? Hmm, must be a British thing...;)
Yup... travelled the whole length of Germany. The dumplings were lovely, the beer was fantastic, but the bread.... close... but no cigar ;)
Is there any other kind ??? :O)
Kingsmill rules .... Specially the new Hlf / Half..
Nomerci: You could also buy it in Riyadh :O)
Hmm, I think I can....have you ever tried German bread? It is only available in Germany, of course.
nomerci... come on now... you can't go up against Kingsmill and win. There are no penalty shoot-outs with bread you know ;)
All this is fine and well, but the only thing really worth eating is freshly baked German bread....crunchy crust and soft on the inside...delicious!
Golden Shred Brit?
Im late - But let's hear it for good bread.. Just sitting here with a thick slice of toated Hovis with lots of butter and chunky marmalade on it... Bliss....
Ever since Men At Work put Vegemite in the lyrics of Down Under I was craving Vegemite. I thought it was going to be Marmite but better for some reason. So when it finally arrived on our shelves I couldn't wait to get a jar home and try it out. Like I say Ewwwwwwwwwwww!
Perhaps it's whichever one you try first that becomes your favourite. But Vegemite was inedible to me.
vegemite beats marmite ANYDAY!!! :P
Vegemite..... ewwwwwwwww! It's yuck.
It's Yummy! :)
ok now i feel like crumpets.... umm.. marmite?? whats wrong you people its VEGEMITE ALL THE WAY!!! MMmmm... vegemite and cheese on toast... YUM!!! *drool*
BM, we'll see if we can do one over the holidays.. although I have not planned my holidays yet, I am taking it one day at a time and just go with the flow.. :P
Don't forget the Marmite ladies ;)
yes tink, it's rising up to Kingdom come.. :P
Yallah MJ girl, start the pm, you're GOOD on that! :))
Call on the respective people please... :)
BM, in! :P
Ladies, shall we all go private for a crumpet date one of the coming holidays? lunch or dinner?
Ta da! ;)
lol TB, what a comeback.. ;)
Then the bread will continue rising MJ ;)
See... back on track ;)
TB = sweet/innocent
lol it's getting hot in here... :P
I am sweet an innocent with a lovely smile snessy. How can you say that about me?
TB: you're the worst offender, now everyone knows what I really mean when I talking about getting some crumpet!
Let Poncius Pilate "take a bath". LMAO! :D =))
ya suffering from short term memory loss TB? ;)
Errrrrrr. what was the topic again?
yeah shame on you all... seems I was the only one who stuck to the topic lol.. :P
LOL Tinks. I don't want to get banned. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!
Yeah.... shame on you all!
lol sness, thanks to this thread, I'm heading over to Lulu after work to get me some crumpets and Lurpak! :P
How can you lot get randy about a bit of bread?
(Toe)Thumbs up Adey! :))
OMG adey thanks for that enlightening post..
I hereby promise to take bread very seriously from now on :(
hmmm, I'm lost now... Crumpets, anyone? ;)
ROFL TB! This is all your fault! (as always!) :D
BM is trying to get me into serious trouble :|
I must stay MUTED!
TB in MEGA MUTE mode!
edited! :)
from bread to twister.. :P
now I have to edit that post of mine... BM exploded!
TB in MUTE mode
Before the Byzantine Empire lost control of the corn fields of Egypt to the Muslims, bread was flat(unleavened, not raised).
Byzantium then made bread from the wheat fields, to the north, from what is today southern Russia. This wheat flour 'rose' - thus today we marvel and hanker after good old Kingsmill!!
So WK - Bread is a very, very serious matter and worthy of 100 pages!
I am so bad at Twister.... no one wants to play with me any more.
lol TB... :P
Earthquake at yours this morning was there tinks?
tinks, we're still on the right track here are we.. ;)
OMG the bread mafia is after me now...
we love our crumpets tink!! :P
any objection?? :p
yes WK, you got a problem with that? :P
WK fancy a slice?
Wait Tinker. This post is under the lounge, and as per (Rizks) new ruling, we can only do "socializing" under the "Socializing Shed"...
But since this thread is owned by TB, "socializing (a.k.a. hijacking)" is permitted (with our without his permission). LOL
I'm really busy Tinks, work is really crazy, and I mean CRAZY! :( My Boss loves me soooooooo much! (as much as i hate him.)
I can't tell you the joke anyway tinker... you might spread it.
All these comments for a bread???
LOL you two.. :P
Did you hear the joke about butter?
Oh, Tinker. As much as I wanted to, I can't. :(
I'm already sleepy and feeling the holidays.
Anyways, I've been a "slave" for the past days, I have the right to consume my working hours on QL today (and maybe tomorrow as well). LOL
tink, of course it is.... ;)
TB, of course you can, ALWAYS! ROFL! :p
lol TB...
Can't a man have both?
but TB, which "one" you really prefer? :p
I know it BM.... bad, bad TB
BM, he already did hahaha.. ;)
lol TB. later, you will again regret what you have just posted. :))
lol TB, behave now you.. :P
Sorry BM :( my bad :(
No... that would make too many people around me Jealous MJ
TB, don't ya start! :p
lol TB, you having one now? :P
I love a bit of crumpet
Tomorrow is still a working day for me, but looking forward to my Tuesday until Friday! :)
I'll sure grab some Crumpets and Lurpak tonight... Oh, and I'm watching my diet! :(((
yeah, BM.. no worries.. I got lots of time to get it tomorrow.. ;)
MJ, we're north and south! :(
cherukkan check your PM... Mone
I don't know where you live.. :(((
I can do that MJ! and how will you get it? :p
Guys, Dont you have something else to discuss. Are you planning to kick me out of my Office to have something to eat in no time? oom, I am smelling, the aroma of Kingsmill Toast! grrrrrrrrr.
BM, ya going to Lulu? please grab some Crumpets and Lurpak for me please!!! ;)
Not too much Marmite to start with bubblymon, you have to ease yourself in gently ;)
it's time to be born. see you later, Lulu! :p
pity me, i never tried anything above. i'm such a poor lady. :/
lol TB.. :P
The Crumpet Times MJ
lol TB, which paper carried that headline? :P
A local news paper today reported sightings of a crazed British man running through the streets of Doha screaming something about crumpets. Police nearly apprehended him in Mega Mart where he diverted to buy some cheese, but they backed off when he told them he had a jar of Marmite.
The public has been warned not to get in the way of this man (who according to observers is strikingly handsome) as he appears to be on a mission.
TB... dont fall for that...dont fall for that... control ...control... lol
If it would be on your bare head rizks,I'd rather have coffee only..:)))
Much more of this and I will be bashing your door down in just a few minuets :|
lol TB !
Sarah, i shall serve you bread on my bare
TB....I have cheese and marmite....what time are you coming round!!!!!!!!!!
Pennie... you are pure evil! Oh man I can't wait to get out of work today.... crumpets with cheese and Marmite Mmmmm
How much a bread costs rizks?when i was new here,i tried to buy some bread and these bakers gave me the bread by their bare hands & they don't look clean at all,so i didn't was a total turn off.I can't imagine how they make the bread inside..are they even washing their hands?:(
I've got Kingsmill bread AND crumpets in my freezer right now! In Yorkshire we call crumpets 'pikelets' ! Lovely with lots of Lurpak and a piece of cheddar!
Rizks... was there romantic music paying in the background when you wrote that?
Sarah might be ur purse is empty, tatz why u dont buy ? :(
No worries, let me take u to some nice bakery and feed u with some good cookies and Coffee ? :)
Errrrrr..... yes.... thanks for sharing PS
i always pass by a bakery in my way to work,a nice aroma is coming outside,but I'm wondering why i am never tempted to buy..maybe becoz it's not delicious at all,and I don't trust some of the bakers who seem to be untidy..sorry..:(
Some more marmite is required to fortify yourself....!
I love it :)
Ohhhh.... Oryx just totally did me :(
TB, just so you know, this conversation is being recorded, in case you go back on your word.. ;)
TCOM, I am at the office.. :(
MJ I will treat you to a jar one day. But seriously it's slogan is "You either love it or hate it". And I am a lover.
No problem lets go to eat some.
You are a brit? and you write 'loafs' not 'loaves'?
Or are they just lazy breads?
abe = nothing :|
darn this bread thread, I want crumpets now! :P
Who is abe?
Damn it.... now I am craving crumpet
TB, I've not tried this Marmite... :(
saved my life!!!
Used to get crumpets at MegaMart but they seem to have disappeared of late :(
Now I'm hungry :(
abe Paav Bhaaji u dont know ? :(
Can someone google tat dish and post the pic here to enlighten. I cant do it, COZ I DONT KNOW HOW TO DO IT...:(
snessy..... how unpatriotic of you :|
MJ exhibit A would look more delicious with some Marmite on it Mmmmmmm...
I personally can't stand crumpets nor marmite!
Give me a toasted English muffin any day of the week :-)
I don't know what Paav is Choc..perhaps Rizks can enlighten us :-)
Rizks: I've head of other bhajis but not Paav :-(
Exhibit A looks ohhhhh so deeee-licious! ;)
OMG TLS would be loving this thread
Snessy, did you find a pic of paav yet?
I knew you knew choco.... I was being theatrical ;)
LOL, the pics aren't the best but you get the gist.
The first one is a crumpet and the second an English muffin.
2nd pic is a bun cut in half.
Paav = Round bread/Buns.
Paav Bhaji, hav'nt u heard abt tat famous Mumbai dish ?:)
I know TB :P
choco... some British thing! That is the illustrious crumpet I will have you know ;)
The Real Deal
That looks like a pair of buns to me... ;)
Exhibit A is some British thing :P
Exhibit B is an English muffin, but it looks like the cheapy brand. Not enough holes.
Ok, now I'm confused...what's Paav?
snessy tat looks like Paav....:(
and what is this...
Let's work this out, what do you call this..
(I may get this wrong, I'm rubbish at posting pics)
Marmite is fantastic on anything. You either love it or hate it. Just like me ;)
BTW chocoholic I know it's not your fault that the English language has been distorted. I promise I wasn't ranting at you, it was a rant at them... you know... them... the ones who decided to drop the u out of colour.
lol timebandit, why ask WHY...
I call them that because that's what it says on the package :D
and btw I didn't know Marmite was good on anything :P
I'd prefer a crumpet over a muffin any day.. :P
Qbake is among the worst bread in Qatar in mu opinion. Not only is it sweet, there is no substance to it. Toast it and it turns to powder.
Why do you call Crumpets English Muffins? If they are English call them what the English call them... Crumpets. Even English Crumpets would have been ok, but Crumpets in no way resemble a muffin.
Rant over...... Marmite on crumpets is awesome Mmmmmmmm
please try 'Qbake'sandwich bread.It is low on sugar!
mmmmmm, crumpets with Lurpak... wish I had one now.. :(
But English Muffins, or at least what we call English muffins, aren't sweet! (Crumpet?)
The small amount of sugar doesn't make it taste sweet.
Yeah see.... you put sugar in muffins where it belongs... not in Bread. Marmite on sweet bread is awful.
Thanks Sness, am doing well and eating lots of sugary bread :D
Just kidding, but seriously, I thought yeast breads were supposed to have small amounts of sugar to boost the yeast
English Muffin Recipe
* 2 (.25 ounce) packages active dry yeast
* 1 tablespoon sugar
* 3 cups warm water (110 degrees to 115 degrees), divided
* 2 eggs, beaten
* 2/3 cup honey
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 9 cups all-purpose flour
1. In a mixing bowl, dissolve yeast and sugar in 2 cups water. Beat in eggs, honey, salt, 2 cups flour and remaining water. Add enough remaining flour to form a soft dough. Turn onto a floured surface; knead until smooth and elastic, about 6-8 minutes. Place in a greased bowl, turning once to grease top. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled, about 1 hour. Punch dough down. On a floured surface, roll to 1/2-in. thickness. Cover and let stand for 5 minutes. Cut into 4-in. circles. Place 2 in. apart on greased baking sheets. Bake at 375 degrees F for 8 minutes or until bottom is browned. Turn and bake 7 minutes longer or until second side is browned. Cool on wire racks. To serve, split with a fork and toast.
American bread tastes a hell of a lot better than the bread baked here, although Kingsmill is a delicious substitute.
Right back at ya TB :-) xXx
Hugs and kisses snessy.... thank you ;)
Chocoholic: Hope you're keeping well :-)...bread isn't supposed to taste like cake :-P
TB: I've sent you a PM. I forgot to mention they bake English muffins and scones on request too. The baker was sent to the UK and Paris to learn how to bake the "our" way, LOL :-)
aha, Bakemart!
Splendid... I will give it a go with some nice sliced roast beef, tomato and horseradish Mmmmmmmmm.
It's not soft and fresh because it doesn't have any sugar in it :P
Oh sorry, Bakemart near Muaither roudabout...
And the fab bakery is a secret snessy?
TB, the bread here is rank, I totally agree. I was also buying Kingsmill from Lulus for months, but I've now found a fab bakery which sells English and Farmhouse Bread. Although Kingsmill tastes good toasted, I found it wasn't soft and fresh enough for a sandwich like back at home.
Love to toast looks delicious... I just love their crumpets... :)