MES is still struggling to get a Principal of his...
AP dont make fun of dead people. It is unislamic....
how come the picture has not yet been removed from this...
lost a distant relative a few days back due to an...
1. Qtel. 2. By not using the mobile/ go to...
possible. even if the bank gives NOC, if it is a post...
so holier than thou attitude out here. many dont bat an...
how come this guy has not yet been deported from QL?...
Even the big Multinationals get their deals done thru...
work on tourist visa? Illegal. A fit case for...
MES is still struggling to get a Principal of his...
AP dont make fun of dead people. It is unislamic....
how come the picture has not yet been removed from this...
lost a distant relative a few days back due to an...
1. Qtel.
2. By not using the mobile/
go to...
possible. even if the bank gives NOC, if it is a post...
so holier than thou attitude out here. many dont bat an...
how come this guy has not yet been deported from QL?...
Even the big Multinationals get their deals done thru...
work on tourist visa? Illegal. A fit case for...