typical egotistical person. he really must be proud of...
55000Qr. whats that rent or some installment???
give a damn about feelings. not a crying baby like you...
Legal requirements are to be fulfilled stating that you...
forgetting this. You dont need to touch any solid...
what a sick way of earning they found. selling their...
its you who is going through psychological stage that...
where is every one?? guess having the tea coffee and...
Keep your sympathies for frog and renee in you pocket...
You there kid. b4 you comment on me get to the root of...
typical egotistical person. he really must be proud of...
55000Qr. whats that rent or some installment???
...give a damn about feelings. not a crying baby like you...
Legal requirements are to be fulfilled stating that you...
forgetting this.
You dont need to touch any solid...
what a sick way of earning they found. selling their...
its you who is going through psychological stage that...
where is every one?? guess having the tea coffee and...
Keep your sympathies for frog and renee in you pocket...
You there kid. b4 you comment on me get to the root of...