Our house was robbed!!!

Guys - times are a'changing here in Doha. We live in a very nice part of a very nice suburb (Dafna). When I got home last night, I found someone had let themselves onto our secured property and stolen most of our garden furniture. Typical of the sort of halfwit they are, it was the cheapo plastic stuff from Giant they took, not the far more expensive teak furniture. That doesn't matter - I have still been robbed. We have forgiven Doha much in the time we have been here, largely owing to the safety and security we enjoyed. Not anymore. Doha is just another small town like any other, now with the same problems.
in May... they got in by the closed! windows( sliding windows)..... and then checked out all the rooms, where the doors were not closed... they must have been at least 2-3 people.... they went in at least in 5 houses next to our house. But they just took the cash and didn't touch anything else. Then they left the house by opening one door from the inside with the key, which was on the door. Everybody in the house was sleeping in all the houses they entered. So Just make sure, that your doors are locked. Doha is still a safe place, but you should not get people tempted. The Police came instantly, but the burglars wiped away all the fingerprints... even the police was quiet suprised..... I live in soudan area.....
Burglary isn't new to Doha, although it is probably more widely known about.
In the 80's they were after alcohol so they could trade it for drugs.
Those that remember the house on the hill (the old alcohol syndicate when it was run by Malcolm) will probably remember a burglary attempt at that location. They managed to get to the fifth (of seven) security levels before they set one off.
Odd taking the plastic furniture though unless they took it because it was more manageable.
On the issue of car maintenance, make sure that the oil has been replaced after a service. That was a common mistake some years since.
When it came back after servicing...I checked it personally....everything was alright that time....
[img_assist|nid=54691|title=|desc=Wherever you live; live everywhere.|link=none|align=centre|width=|height=0]
are you sure it didn't come back from the dealer like that? Wouldn't surprise me...
I am sorry to hear that. Yes we have been told how safe it is here in Doha but like everyone is saying things are changing.
Someone also uses my husband's credit card twice and we only been here for several months charges were made here in Qatar.
If you don't have secured parking inside your villa (like me), always check all tyers of your car before you start driving.
The other day, someone stolen one wheel cup of my car and two nuts....it's a small thing...and I don't know what was the intention but I survived from a possible major accident.....I was driving towards Villagio, on a very smooth road, I felt little bubbling....I didn't suppose any problem with my tyres..as my car is only few months old. Just curious, I drove off-road and parked in a side way. When I inspected the tyres..there was no wheel cup on front right tyre and two nuts were also missing...car was bubbling because there were only two nuts on and both side by side...that caused the car for uneven movement.....I was in a big shock and feared to think the result if the remaining two nuts could not retain the tyre?
As I told that my car is new..and only couple of days back it came back from showroom after its first 5000km checkup....I can't think about being loosen and missing the both things simultaneously.....It was surely a freak......
[img_assist|nid=54691|title=|desc=Wherever you live; live everywhere.|link=none|align=centre|width=|height=0]
good choice-griffin. for moi nah dunno whom to choose........
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Actually I love the series because of the small details which they find and can catch the ifnidel. However, I doubt that it is like this in real life. On the other hand I would love to have Griffin
ok lets see now u assist and so will i>i got the hummer n the CSI NY cap wat u got birdie??hehhehehe(moi the forensic pathology freak)woohoo
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
I would take a little of all of them they have a few very handsome men I would love to assist in investigationg the crime. lol
hmmm tis the job of the CSI fr then on.........would it be miami, NY or vegas
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
forgetting this.
You dont need to touch any solid thing even the windows if you found them open. coz for the police to make the csae easy they go first for the finger prints.
indeed better safe than sorry........
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
especially those who r having cleaning persons ,should be careful
Hmm after readiing this one has to be careful, I never had the necessity to lock my home up. However, recently I found that even somone can climb over the wall of the villa.
In compounds noramlly the guards have to ask anyone where they are going and check people going in ad out of the compound
canary don't continue this,a person like u lost his car which he parked in front of a play school without locking,whenhe came and saw after few minutes its stolen,so be careful
if it happens in secured compounds it may be due to the people like cleaners and others who knows that nobody is there in the house.
wat we practice is (we live in a compound), never let even the security guards know that u will be away, we inform a few close friends in the compound tho. most cases happen as an inside job when these ppl (security guards or cleaners) know that you will be away for a certain time period that is when s**t happens(that is if they are dishonest and desperate tho not all are like that) so just somethin to think abt on yr next vacation
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Due to my job I have to leave my place for a couple of weeks at a time, it's an aprtment so it should be reasonably safe, but I'd hate to get back and find somebody had broken in.
Yes.. even my friend's car were stolen... and he got it back with the help of police after one week. Robbery and theft are taking place nowadays. So we have to be very carefull.
i do lock my cars n hse all the time but good thing is we dont live in hses where it is all behind metal grills and burglar alarms (back home this is how we live)but the sense of it being safer than back home but then again ya never can tempt anyone , ya never know who may be watching.........had vehicle stolen fr home(back home again) , been tailed , had house watched (all this happened back home) has taught me a lot...........
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Actually I feel very safe in my home and I am sorry to hear that, I never ever lock the doors at home in fact I forgto to even close the front door last night so it was open all night. lol
did you report the matter to the police... the police here as i have heard are very efficient in these matters!! its worth a try...