What is weekend in Arabic?
Naom = Sleeping = نوم Ana ohibbu naom likulli...
Wa Alaikum Assalam!
Yeah those days when Lady Diana visited here and there...
It's just like a School :)
If you log out and never log in again Nobody will...
Thanks for sharing the beautiful Hadith! ...
you can buy it far less with your said price......
The Aspire Zone......
:)) Friends, at our place well known bread making...
What is weekend in Arabic?
Naom = Sleeping = نوم
Ana ohibbu naom likulli...
Wa Alaikum Assalam!
Yeah those days when Lady Diana visited here and there...
It's just like a School :)
If you log out and never log in again
Nobody will...
Thanks for sharing the beautiful Hadith!
you can buy it far less with your said price...
The Aspire Zone...
Friends, at our place well known bread making...