congratulation dracula.. i am wondering wat kind ur...
I have that question too.. please pm me if you know...
QT Reporter Harsha says gudmornin to all.. lol.. drac u...
Drac.. thats a really nice one.. i shud say u r makin...
i dont think he will get offended.. he might just say...
now thats nice da.. movie tickets.. and dine also.....
lol... keep em comin...
owen.. it happened in my office once.. all i did was...
it shows how active u r on QL... and the more posts u...
congratulation dracula.. i am wondering wat kind ur...
I have that question too.. please pm me if you know...
QT Reporter Harsha says gudmornin to all.. lol.. drac u...
Drac.. thats a really nice one.. i shud say u r makin...
i dont think he will get offended.. he might just say...
now thats nice da.. movie tickets.. and dine also.....
lol... keep em comin...
owen.. it happened in my office once.. all i did was...
it shows how active u r on QL... and the more posts u...