Spicemom got dragged under water by a fish

A giant snakehead fish, said to be deadlier than a piranha, has been caught near Doha beach.
The predatory fish, known as Channa micropeltes in scientific circles, can grow to over 10m long and weighs as much as 200 kg.
Dubbed "Frankenfish" by Qatari tabloids, it eats other fish,crocs, birds and humans.
The huge snakehead was reportedly hooked by a fisherman named KellysHeroes in the SouthLand bay. The catch sparked fears the predatory fish could wipe out native species in the area.
"It had a gob full of razor-sharp teeth. To be honest it looked terrifying," the Qatar Today reported Mr Harsha as saying.
But the Qatar Environment Agency - Mr.Britexpat said the giant snakehead was unlikely to survive Qatar's hot waters, Gulf Times reported.
"It requires temperatures of 15C to 18C so it's unlikely to have survived in the water," a spokes-Brandylady said.
"We are not sure where it's come from.Sure not from my country" said fisherman Vukpop
"It was so hot it might have been able to survive by eating human species" said Mrs.Qatariskin-burn-by-sun.
"It's voracious and can out-compete native species."said Mr.Texonic
Authorities suspected the predator was dumped into the gulf by a fish fancier named Dracula after it became too big for its tank.
Qatar Zoologist DaRuDe said there had been reports of the giant snakehaed dragging one lady named Spicemom, to the death.
He said that Spicemom threatened the giant snakehead's eggs and she was fiercely attacked.
LAST NEWS DOHA — The QLVG president-general-captain-major-lt in Doha – Mr.Speed has urged the QL’s members and the international community to financially assist the surviving victims of the predatory fish, known as Channa micropeltes (international codename: “moms-eater”)
Mr. Speed made the appeal after receiving guidelines from Mrs.Alexa regarding cash and blank-cheque donations,cigarets,beers,sport cars,cricket balls,abayaas,VXR, medicines and/or medical and humanitarian missions for the “mom-eater fish” victims.
Mr.Red-Pope said nothing!
We can buy this Channa fish at FFC. I want to eat fried Channa Fish now!
I didn't do it!
And I'll not do it again!
Tcom - It is a fashion run by upper class ladies :)
Scarlett should be here to protect me!
cruelty to animals is a serious crime then cruelty to humans in the present world
I'll make an official complain to Qatar Zoologist DaRuDe
sounds like you better get yourself outta here then count, your flying too high tonight to be stopped by a creased up old copy of the gulf times ;)
this mighty-heero is hunting me all the time with a rolled-newspapers weapon
waaaaaassssssuuuuuppppp?????? lol
You know we can't trust the people who gives knighthood to the wrong persons...
...and now they're giving a Booker prize on a stinkin' bat...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
I have seen a laughing hyena, a spitting camel, even a humping dog but no....
racked my brains but I aint never ever seen a crying bat:)
Have you ever seen a crying bat?
and this years booker prize goes to...................
drum roll....................Count Dracula!!!!! woohoo!!!!
that is what we call imagination running wild....lol>all in good fun :D
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
very inventive and really funny, good one :)
roger that, on my way (if i can find it that is)lol
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
ok,ok, spicy...now go to spicy 2S thread :P
thx Heero
hey drac i am alive and kicking ,why?coz i think it aint time yet(expiry aint until........?)and sorry to ruin yr beautiful thread as i said it aint a pretty sight in the fish tummy.......:O)
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
...in my entire life.
If only I could find a LARGER newspaper to thwack him with...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
We should start a QL writers guild.
Hi Darude!! what moves did you undertake of getting in close to the giant snakehead's and observed it without being noticed..??? ;-)
~~~simply call me BONITO ~~~
Good morning and lucky you. You are at home and able to laugh the way you like. Me in office and HAVE to control myself:(
So how was your fishing trip? AND would you please when you come across mermen and mermaids to give me the location of mermaids. Guess it would be a nice fishing spot ;p
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
Forgiveness is life...:)
Nice one Sucker
Its better to be doing something then being idle as an idle mind is a devils workshop
great going Dracula
Thank God Spicemom is safe
whew spicemom! a girl scout you have everything you need a can opener, garlic can and flashlight!
dracula nice read!
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
vegas- yr head hurts fr reading that story or was it fr the week end??lol
hope to see ya before i leave
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
lov - it was an ordeal/adventure how ever ya wanna take it. it was dark, damp , smelly and icky in the fish tummy but good thing i got my lil flashlight attached to my mobile so that helped a wee bit.apart fr some scratches fr the fish teeth i am fine thank you>lol
KSA - hello you and good mornign to you too, i am fine after that 'ordeal' with that ugly fish. i had planned to fishing then go swimming in the water (maybe to catch a glimpse of a 'merman' around one of the islands and what do i get ?an ugly fish and all that.........lol
so as you can see i had an eventful week end , how was yrs?
hey see you tommorrow night ya......
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Forgiveness is life...:)
Morning people...morning!!!
Interesting Read with a Creative Write I say!!!
Hmmm...Garlic can be a lot handy after reading this I SEE!!!LOL!
So how was the weekend people, and Spicemom in Particular after that horrific incident...
hi spicemom! good thing you survived. how was it inside the fish tummy?
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
yeah would love to see what the next story i abt- never knew we have a few budding and upcoming writers/authors here on QL-lol
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
boring sunday laught....
good morning to all...
If you look at what you do not have in life;
You don't have anything.
If you look at what you have in life;
You have everything.
QT Reporter Harsha says gudmornin to all.. lol.. drac u managed to put almost every1's name in here.. i bet u r writing another story.. lol..
latest update- i managed to make the fish burp me out after i opened that can of mashed garlic btw KH I always carry a can opener in my pouch>hehehehhehhehe. now i know even fish dont like garlic that he burped and it was so powerful that i landed at the marina , dirty, smelly but luckily all in one piece. that ought to teach me not to go fishing in doha waters ever again
speed- correction i wasnt dragged by the fish to my death as you can see i am here aint i
drac- i love yr sense of adventure and imagination (hope to meet you tomorrow at the qlsg meet if ya dare meet me>wink wink)btw i lost contact as i ran outta credit so mobile was no use(dang i must change my pre paid to post paid asap-lol)
i love it when ppl are bored and have loads of time on their hands-dang this story really woke me up and had me laughing so loud my cat came to see what it was all abt
again drac good thoroughly enjoyed it :P
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
the jawline and the teeth remind me of my better half, but she's not a good swimmer, so it can't be her..
That is what I name creative writing! Malarious and vicious fish.
They've spent hours staring in the dark at green digital lines zigzagging down computer screens, looking for patches of more intense color that could indicate a giant fish.
"My concern is, I want to get away from the giant fish but I want to maintain contact by mobile phone with that lady named Spicemom.She is in the fish's stomach." said Cmdr. Alice Flanostu Cooper, commander of the destroyer.
In this case, he could not do both.
Vampire retain some of
Thx Mr.QT reporter Harsha
Vampire retain some of
Is there a good "End Up" pub in town or is alcohol cutoff at 01:30 everywhere here?
Drac.. thats a really nice one.. i shud say u r makin gud use of ur time... a wonderful creation....
As you all know. Spicemom has the habit of keeping a garlic can with her (like Popeye the sailorman). So now she is holding the can and looking for power socket to use her electric can opener. Once successful, Spicy will repell the giant snakehead fish
===================================== http://www.qatarliving.com/node/58409
Qatar Zoologist DaRuDe said there had been reports of the giant snakehaed dragging one lady named Spicemom, to the death.
He said that Spicemom threatened the giant snakehead's eggs and she was fiercely attacked.
..... LOL !!! good one