RefinedSoul...We had a deal that you'll keep it secret...
Khanan...I wonder if TB really knows the meaning of...
Okie...I dont have anything against the guy in question...
Qatar Driving License doesn't carry the status of...
So What? Even if its true, the usual Privileged Class...
Okie, the nature of crime is different, what about...
Its already 43C (111F) at my Site :(
Just got...
I'm already half dead 'cos of the heat :(
This was posted earlier in the deleted...
QL is next to offer?
RefinedSoul...We had a deal that you'll keep it secret...
Khanan...I wonder if TB really knows the meaning of...
Okie...I dont have anything against the guy in question...
Qatar Driving License doesn't carry the status of...
So What? Even if its true, the usual Privileged Class...
Okie, the nature of crime is different, what about...
Its already 43C (111F) at my Site :(
Just got...
I'm already half dead 'cos of the heat :(
This was posted earlier in the deleted...
QL is next to offer?