Who is paying for the ticket you or him? the...
Azilana I made the same suggestion under Qatari's Group...
sell the kids on ebay?
seriously you need a...
The news readers sound like they are anxious teenagers...
I don't like office affairs because some times innocent...
I really couldnt care less about anyone's sexual...
I stand still get my phone out and ask the turnip in...
OK could someone in management in Karwa please...
Sorry I wasn't really offering English. I will exchange...
no I can't message you any words at the moment....
Who is paying for the ticket you or him?
Azilana I made the same suggestion under Qatari's Group...
sell the kids on ebay?
seriously you need a...
The news readers sound like they are anxious teenagers...
I don't like office affairs because some times innocent...
I really couldnt care less about anyone's sexual...
I stand still get my phone out and ask the turnip in...
could someone in management in Karwa please...
Sorry I wasn't really offering English. I will exchange...
no I can't message you any words at the moment.