a lot of girls fear getting photos of themselves on the...
Seems I could have a lot of candidates for my critical...
So in India is 'freedom of expression' not allowed?...
Maybe there was a lot of 'fear culture' where she...
I have been told Islam was the religion of peace!...
You have your value judgements....but at least I don't...
my neighbour runs a knitting group...so there are...
Well good luck to them - ! I hope they succeed....
Whinge Whine Moan Complain
When I was in Iran they did totally look down their...
a lot of girls fear getting photos of themselves on the...
Seems I could have a lot of candidates for my critical...
So in India is 'freedom of expression' not allowed?...
Maybe there was a lot of 'fear culture' where she...
I have been told Islam was the religion of peace!...
You have your value judgements....but at least I don't...
my neighbour runs a knitting group...so there are...
Well good luck to them - ! I hope they succeed....
When I was in Iran they did totally look down their...