you got all the first aid kits, studied your...
he mite take his suicidal tendencies there.
i don't really care it be indian or any race--really i...
is just jealous, she sees a rival wolf drooling for the...
was just asking.
who' suggesting they should die...
look i woodav prefered to be jap or speaking their...
freedom,liberty was never there in the first place....
all about then? tell me.
for long that the US is scared of what they do not know...
he's trying to make a pass to the poster. got it?...
you got all the first aid kits, studied your...
he mite take his suicidal tendencies there.
...i don't really care it be indian or any race--really i...
is just jealous, she sees a rival wolf drooling for the...
was just asking.
who' suggesting they should die...
look i woodav prefered to be jap or speaking their...
freedom,liberty was never there in the first place....
all about then? tell me.
for long that the US is scared of what they do not know...
he's trying to make a pass to the poster. got it?...