When i was new in Doha I noticed a Woman and a girl...
Sorryy happy, I am estoopid! don't believe a single...
1. Locals drive like crazy 2. Indians smell like...
LOL KH, great formula forr erection!.......from now on...
Bleu, seems you live a charmed life!...
What class, are you a teacher?...
Who.am.I, you see Paris Hilton from your bedroom every...
Will Paris Hilton come to Doha for inaugurating the the...
Why should she go for an extreme makeover? Her looks...
That long fish was caught by a longboat....
When i was new in Doha I noticed a Woman and a girl...
Sorryy happy, I am estoopid! don't believe a single...
1. Locals drive like crazy
2. Indians smell like...
LOL KH, great formula forr erection!.......from now on...
Bleu, seems you live a charmed life!
What class, are you a teacher?
Who.am.I, you see Paris Hilton from your bedroom every...
Will Paris Hilton come to Doha for inaugurating the the...
Why should she go for an extreme makeover? Her looks...
That long fish was caught by a longboat.