In case you don't know what a bat-minton is: It's a...
Yes Jack, now you can use the old raquet for bat-minton...
What happens to that 50% policemen who are thin?...
Oh Yes! I have a new Wilson Kit Bag now. I will turnup...
If no sex your thing will become fat and will not fit...
Shapil you mean God pee on you?
Thanks for the answers Drmana, WK & Rishimba....
But why then do we get more dehydrated during high...
QL is better.
A year gone by!
In case you don't know what a bat-minton is: It's a...
Yes Jack, now you can use the old raquet for bat-minton...
What happens to that 50% policemen who are thin?...
Oh Yes! I have a new Wilson Kit Bag now. I will turnup...
If no sex your thing will become fat and will not fit...
Shapil you mean God pee on you?
Thanks for the answers Drmana, WK & Rishimba....
But why then do we get more dehydrated during high...
QL is better.
A year gone by!