Ramadan Photo Competition: And the winner is

1. Drac - Whilst its a bit blurry and the colours are dull it does show a 'high level' of devotion. Might have worked better as Black & White
2. Scarl3T - Suffers a bit from motion blur, probably from too slow a shutter speed, but a nice composition and meaning
3. Xidra - I'd like to see the original version of this. the composition and subject work well, but the very low resolution let it down as an entry.
4. Fishhermanalex0 - Nice compsition, good lighting, nice colours, but there's just 'something' missing.
There were other photos that were technically and aesthetically better, but didn't really fit in with the title "Spirit of Ramadan"
Drac - contact Ahmed or Qatari to receive your prize :o)
A year gone by!
very beautiful pics
congrats to all of you....esp. to you Drac...
naaaaaaaaah.......it aint fm google.
Congrats to all winners :)
yet I feel that no.2 and 3 are from GooGle....ya,..?
Congrats to all winners :)
congrats to winners
really no photos good
Blushing and...still waiting for my preciousssss iPOD :)
Perfect gift for my Bloody B-Day!
congratulation Drac
cool dead man, Congrats!! :)
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
congratulation Drac.....
Donot do Unto others what u don't want them do unto U!!
may we know what you got???
mai lain pa!
Pay peanuts & you get Monkeys
drac congrats bro
Thank you Lady N.
Jorj: welcome in our RO Group!
congrats Drac :) well done ...
felicitari drac!!!
Thank you!
@ukeng; mzain : check my Facebook album! :(
congrats to the winners!!!
You won't fully enjoy a swing unless you raise your feet from the ground......
........lolxx yeah xactly UKEngQatar :oP.......well congrats Drac!!......
..... why worry and have wrinkles...when u can smile and have dimples :o) ......
Now the question is that did Drac take that photo or did he just googled it?..
Anyway well done Drac.
PM, there were several judges so as to be impartial!
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
It's a fix. I demand a recount. Hold on. I forgot to enter :(
My bad. Congratulations Mr Dracula and well done the others..
Well deserved prize for a good observation, presence of mind and initiative.
Baldrick, well chosen!
3 cheers for Drac and the others
Peeeeep Peeeeeep Purrrrr!
In Arabic
Beeb Beeb Burrrrrray!